This is a copy of the kyu grade syllabus, showing the grading requirements for 4th kyu (yellow belt) up to sandan (3rd black belt).
4th kyu | Goho | Uchi uke zuki |
Juho | Kote nuki | |
Ukemi | Yoko ukemi | |
Basic technical | Rei - Palms together in salutation | |
Counting | 1. Ichi 10. Ju | |
Gakka | How to behave at the dojo | |
3rd kyu | Goho | Uwa uke zuki |
Juho | Ryote yori nuki | |
Ukemi | Mae ukemi | |
Kata (tan en) | Tenchiken dai ichi | |
Gakka | Motivation and Goals for the Founding of Shorinji Kempo | |
2nd kyu | Goho | Tenshin geri |
Juho | Kiri nuki (uchi & soto) | |
Kata (tan en) | Tenchiken dai ichi - ni | |
Gakka | Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals | |
1st kyu | Goho | Soto uke zuki |
Juho | Jo haku nuki (katate & ryote) | |
Kata (tan en) | Tenchiken dai ichi - yon | |
Kata (so tai) | Tenchiken dai ichi | |
Gakka | The Six Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo | |
Shodan | Goho | Kinteki geri hiza uke |
Juho | Nidan nuki | |
Kata (tan en) | Tenchiken dai ichi - roku | |
Kata (so tai) | Tenchiken dai ichi | |
Gakka: | What is True Strength | |
Gakka: Supervised | Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals | |
Ni Dan | Gakka: | Shorinji Kempo is a Discipline that Develops Individuals |
Gakka: Supervised | The Six Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo | |
San Dan | Gakka: | The Six Distinguishing Characteristics of Shorinji Kempo |
Gakka: Supervised | History and Founding of Shorinji Kempo |
Information For Kenshi
Below are definitions of basic words and terms commonly used in the dojo and an explanation of when to use them, for definitions of more words and phrases see the dictionary page.
The numbers listed below are used when counting during exercises whilst warming up or basic practice, or when counting during Kata practice.
Ichi - One
Ni - Two
San - Three
Shi - Four
Go - Five
Roku - Six
Shichi - Seven
Hachi - Eight
Ku - Nine
Ju - Ten
General Commands and Phrases
Onegaishimasu Please - Said while Reing, before commencing training at the start of the lesson and before beginning practice with a partner.
Arigato Gozaimashita Thank you very much - Said while Reing, when finished training with a partner, at the end of a lesson and after receiving instruction/assistance from a Sensei or other student.
Rei Palms together in salutation. - Rei is used as a command whilst kenshi are assembled in lines as an instruction to perform the Rei action. Command is given by the person stood in the front right position.
Naore Hands down - Used as a command when kenshi are performing Rei. Command is given by the person stood in the front right position.
Hajime Begin - Command given to instruct kenshi should begin practice.
Yame Stop - Command given to instruct kenshi to stop what they are doing. The command should be obeyed immediately.
Chosokuu Breathing control - When given as a command kenshi should breath in deeply whilst stretching the body up with arms above the head, and breath out slowly, relaxing the stretch slowly lowering the arms.
Kiai Shout - Forcing the air form the lungs, the Kiai should be generated from the diaphragm (as when singing) not from the throat. Kiai is used when punching or kicking and changing stance.
Shugo Assemble - Given as a command to assemble in lines
Seiretsu Line up - Command given by the Sensei or instructor.
Kamae Take up position - Command given when for instance being told to change stance.
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